Match the words to make up meaningful phrases. financial tax history bomb cheap

Вопрос от пользователя

a) Match the words to make up meaningful phrases.
financial tax
b) Fill in the gaps with the phrases you’ve got.
— Allan has never been interested in humanitarian disciplines, has he?
— On the contrary, everyone in the collage believes he is a ___
— Do you know that John Kenneth was arrested? Some people say that he deliberately concealed his income.
— It’s awful, isn’t it? This means that he was accused of a______
— I wanted to shop in the central supermarket, but the area was full of policemen and nobody was allowed in. Do you know what it was?
— Yes, it was on TV today. There was a — They had received several telephone calls and were checking the area for explosives. It was a false alarm. I hope they find the hooligans responsible for that.
— Look! It’s a genuine Rolex! I thought it was more expensive.
— Don’t be silly. A genuine watch in an outlet shop! It’s a__
— The newspapers say that the Mayor has stepped down and we are going to have a new one. What could the reason for that be?
— Don’t you know? There have been rumors about a_he was involved in. He persuaded a local bank to invest money in some shady project.

Ответ от эксперта

1 history buff
2 tax fraud
3 bomb hoax
4 cheap fake
5 financial scandal

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