Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the text. You may have to change the form of the verb. 1 attend 2 make

Вопрос от пользователя

Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the text. You may have to change the form of the verb.
1 attend
2 make
3 do
4 sit
5 wear
a a uniform
b exams
с the rules
d classes
e homework
My name’s Peter and I go to the LaGuardia High School of Music, Art and Performing Arts in New York City, I want to be on actor when I’m older and lots of students who 1) attend classes at LaGuardia go on to become famous. For example, Jennifer Aniston, who played Rachel in ‘Friends’ is an ex-student and so is Al Pacino, one оf the most famous actors ever!
As LaGuardia is a school for young people talented in the arts you don’t have to 2)sit exams to win a place here, instead you have to pass an audition in the area you hope to study. However, LaGuardia isn’t all about singing, dancing and acting. We have lessons in English, Maths and Science like any other school and we 3) do homework every night as well
We don’t have to 4) wear uniform at LaGuardia, which is great. The local government 5)makes the rules and I’m happy about that because I’m more comfortable in my own clothes! I love my school and I feel really lucky to be a pupil there!

Ответ от эксперта

1 d (attend classes – посещать занятия)
2 c (make the rules – создавать правила)
3 e (do homework – делать домашку)
4 b (sit exams – сдавать экзамены)
5 a (wear a uniform – носить униформу)

Пропущенные фразы в тексте:
1 attend classes (посещать занятия)
2 sit exams (сдавать экзамены)
3 do homework (делать домашку на решак.ру)
4 wear a uniform (носить униформу)
5 makes the rules (соз

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