Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. 1 energy 2 vegetable 3 excessive 4 packed 5 writing 6 compost a paper b packaging с peelings d heap

Вопрос от пользователя

Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences.
1 energy
2 vegetable
3 excessive
4 packed
5 writing
6 compost
a    paper
b    packaging
с    peelings
d    heap
e    lunch
f    consumption
1    Make sure you’ve used both sides of the writing paper before you recycle it.
2    It is essential that we try to cut down on energy consumption in order to save the planet.
3    A packet lunch usually consists of a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a drink.
4    It’s a pity that most people don’t seem to realize that vegetable peelings can be used to make compost.
5    My grandfather never needs to buy fertilizer for his garden as he has a large compost heap
6 Don’t buy anything that comes in excessive packaging

Ответ от эксперта

1 f (energy consumption – потребление энергии)
2 c (vegetable peelings – овощные очистки)
3 b (excessive packaging – чрезмерно большая упаковка)
4 e (packed lunch – запакованный обед)
5 a (writing paper — оберточная бумага)
6 d (compost heap – куча компоста, компостная яма)

Пропущенные фразы в предложениях:
1 writing paper (оберточная бумага)
2 energy consumption (потребление энергии)
3 packed lunch (запакованный обед)
4 vegetable peelings (овощные очистки)
5 compost heap (куча компоста, компостная яма)
6 excessive packaging (чрезмерно большая упаковка)

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