Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences. 1 detailed 2 city 3 ancient 4 trendy

Вопрос от пользователя

Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences.
1 detailed
2 city
3 ancient
4 trendy
5 huge
a cafe
b sites
c commentary
d hit
e skyline
1 When you are on the third floor of the Eiffel Tower, you have an amazing view of the Parisian city skyline.
2 A boat ride around the island is always a huge hit with visiting tourists.
3 The Acropolis of Athens is one of the most recognisable ancient sites in the world.
4 Many young people enjoy having a light meal at the new trendy cafe in the city centre.
5 The guide’s detailed commentary throughout the whole tour was very interesting and informative.

Ответ от эксперта

1 c
2 e
3 b
4 a
5 d

1 city skyline
2 huge hit
3 ancient sites
4 trendy cafe
5 detailed commentary

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