Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases in their correct form to complete the speech bubbles. A 1 join 2 cut down on

Вопрос от пользователя

Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases in their correct form to complete the speech bubbles.
1 join
2 cut down on
3 lose
4 go on
a fatty foods
b a diet
c a gym
d weight
A I should cut down on fatty foods and start eating more fruit and vegetables.
B I’m glad I joined a gym; now I can exercise more often.
C This is my last slice of pizza! I am going on diet tomorrow!
D Congratulations, you have lost weight about 3 kilos!

Ответ от эксперта

1 с
2 a
3 d
4 b

A cut down on fatty foods
B joined a gym
C am going/will go on a diet
D lost weight

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