Match the words in columns A and B, then use the alliterative phrases to complete the sentences (1-6). feel right well worth live jump the more

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Match the words in columns A and B, then use the alliterative phrases to complete the sentences (1-6).
feel right well worth live jump the more
the wait and learn free for joy as rain the merrier
1    Greg jumped for joy when he heard the good news.
2    Feel free to help yourself to a sandwich, Ann.
3    Why don’t you invite Tim to the picnic, too. The more the merrier!
4    I couldn’t believe they had cheated me. «Well, you live and learn!», my mum said.
5    You’ll feel as right as rain in a few days.
6    The delicious dinner Mike cooked was well worth the wait.

Ответ эксперта

feel – free (не стесняйтесь)
right — as rain (в полном порядке)
well worth — the wait (стоит ожидания)
live — and learn (век живи, век учись)
jump — for joy (прыгать от радости)
the more — the merrier (чем больше – тем веселее)

1 jumped for joy (подпрыгнул от радости)
2 Feel free (не стесняйтесь)
3 the more the merrier (чем больше, тем веселее)
4 live and learn (век живи, век учись)
5 right as rain (в полном порядке)
6 well worth the wait (стоит ожидания)

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