Match the viewpoints (1-4) to the reasons/examples (a-d), then think of one more viewpoint with reasons/examples. 1 Technology can make our lives a lot easier.

Вопрос от пользователя

Match the viewpoints (1-4) to the reasons/examples (a-d), then think of one more viewpoint with reasons/examples.
1    Technology can make our lives a lot easier.
2    Increased use of technological gadgets has brought security problems.
3    Technology can be unreliable.
4    Learning how to use technological devices prepares you for the future.
a Machines and computers can break down and cause more problems than they solve,
b Future employers will need employees who are used to technology,
с Devices such as computers and mobiles are convenient and save us time,
d There have been many cases of people having mobile phones stolen in the street and sometimes shopping websites are not secure.

Ответ от эксперта

1 c
2 d
3 a
4 b

viewpoint: Technology is good for staying in touch with friends. (Точка зрения: Технологии это хорошо для того, чтобы оставаться на связи с друзьями).
reasons: It is easy to stay in touch via email and instant messaging. You can use webcams to see your friends if you are in different places. (Причины: Легко оставаться на связи с помощью электронной почты и обмениваться быстрыми сообщениями. Вы можете использовать веб-камеры, чтобы ваши друзья видели вас, если вы находитесь в разных местах)

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