Match the remarks and the responses. 1 I need some time to think everything over, and then I’ll be ready to tell you about my decision. 2 Could I apply to you for advice if I need some?

Вопрос от пользователя

Match the remarks and the responses.
1 I need some time to think everything over, and then I’ll be ready to tell you about my decision.
2 Could I apply to you for advice if I need some?
3 Thank you very much for the map and your instructions. That was a great help.
4 Is it OK if I bring some friends tonight?
5 I don’t like it very much when someone borrows my hair dryer.
6 Why are you talking so loudly? Do you mean I’m deaf or something?
a) Actually, I’ve been thinking about a quiet evening in, just watching something on TV. But I don’t mind a little party either.
b) My pleasure. Have a nice weekend!
c) OK, take your time. Let me know when you are ready.
d) Anytime.
e) Sorry, I didn’t mean any offence. I’m just too excited.
f) Do you mean that it was me? I don’t even know where you keep it!

Ответ от эксперта

1 c)
2 d)
3 b)
4 a)
5 f)
6 e)

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