Match the questions and the answers. Fill in the table below. 1. In what countries is English spoken as a first language? 2. How many countries have English as a second language?

Вопрос от пользователя

Match the questions and the answers. Fill in the table below.
1. In what countries is English spoken as a first language?
2. How many countries have English as a second language?
3. Is English spoken by people who have other mother tongues?
4. What proportion of students in our country study English at school?
5. What do native speakers of English think about foreigners who speak English?

a) People in 30 countries speak English as a second language.
b) How popular is English in Russia? About 70 per cent of Russian students choose English as their first foreign language at school though German and French are still very popular.
c) Some British think that English spoken in the world by people of other nationalities is not real English. Its global English.
d) English is spread among the people who have other mother tongues.
e) At the moment English is internationally recognized by the world community as one of the languages more often spoken by people in various parts of the world. It is known that English is spoken (as a first language) in Australia, the Bahamas, Canada, The Republic of Ireland, Guyana, the Caribbean Islands (Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad, etc. ), New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States.

Ответ от эксперта

1 — e)
2 — a)
3 — d)
4 — b)
5 — c)

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