Match the idioms in column A to the correct — emotion in column B. Then use them in the correct form to complete the sentences. А 1 butterflies in one’s stomach – d) nervousness

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Match the idioms in column A to the correct — emotion in column B. Then use them in the correct form to complete the sentences.
1 butterflies in one’s stomach – d) nervousness
2 a long face – f) sadness
3 over the moon – b) pleasure/happiness
4 go bright red – e) embarrassment
5 green with envy – a) jealousy
6 through the roof – c) anger
1 James is over the moon because his parents have just bought him a new computer.
2 Olivia’s green with envy that Jason has sold a painting and she hasn’t.
3 My parents will go through the roof when they find out I’ve failed Maths and Chemistry.
4 Just thinking about the singing competition next week gives her butterflies in her stomach.
5 I know Sally’s upset about losing her purse, but how long is she going to walk around with that long face?
6 I wish I didn’t always go bright red when I have to speak in public.

Ответ от эксперта


1 over the moon
2 green with envy
3 through the roof
4 butterflies in her stomach
5 long face
6 go bright red

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