Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraphs (1-7 . There is one heading that you do not need to use. 1) Smoke detectors in homes have saved countless lives

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Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraphs (1-7 . There is one heading that you do not need to use.
1) Smoke detectors in homes have saved countless lives. They sense the presence of smoke in the house and alert the occupants by making a loud beeping noise, giving them time to escape. In order to be kept in good working condition, they should be tested at least once a month and cleaned once a year.
2) One of the attractions of living in the country is a blazing log fire. However, open fires are one of the most inefficient forms of heating, since most of the heat disappears up the chimney. They also produce lots of smoke which, of course, pollutes the environment. From both a financial and environmental point of view, it is better to use other methods of heating.
3) Most people strive to buy a house with a garden but what happens if the budget just doesn’t allow it? Well, those of you who live in an apartment can bring a bit of nature inside by placing some houseplants around your living space. All they need is a little care and attention! Be sure to check, for example, how often they need watering and what kind of conditions they prefer, such as bright or shady, warm or cool.
4) Plans were announced today to build sixteen new homes in Brighton using fifteen thousand old car tyres. The developers claim that they will be so energy efficient that residents will have no utility bills at all! They will collect their own water and be powered by solar panels and wind turbines. The homes offer a way of tackling two of Britain’s biggest environmental concerns — the growing mountain of discarded tyres and the high levels of carbon emissions from housing.
5) ln a few years we might be living in ‘smart’ houses. A smart house is a house where the appliances have a computer fitted inside them, so that they can ‘communicate’ with each other. For example, groceries are ordered when your fridge sees that you are running low on essentials and when you enter your home, temperature, lighting and music are activated according to your personal preferences.
6) Accidents in the home account for about forty per cent of all accidents and a third of all accidents treated at hospital. The most dangerous area of the home is the living room, followed by the garden, kitchen, stairs, bedroom and bathroom. The main factor is age, with young children having the greatest number of accidents. Falls are by far the greatest cause of fatal home accidents, causing more than two thousand deaths in Britain each year.
7) There’s nothing more discouraging than spending hours at the weekend cleaning and organising your home, only to find it in a total mess again by Wednesday! So, why not set aside fifteen minutes per day for maintaining your living space in order to minimise clutter as the week goes on? Good ideas include assigning one small, quick job to each member of the household each day, and putting something back where it belongs every time you leave a room.

Ответ от эксперта

1 C
2 F
3 A
4 H
5 D
6 B
7 E

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