Match the comments to the adjectives. 1 jealous 2 creative 3 dishonest

Вопрос от пользователя

Match the comments to the adjectives.
1 jealous
2 creative
3 dishonest
4 loyal
5 respected
6 mean
7 caring
8 patient
9 trusting   
10 dedicated   
11 supportive   
12 selfish
13 aggressive
A I think he’s looking for a fight!
B Jim very rarely gets annoyed with people.
C You just can’t trust Marie.
D He’s very good at art and has some great ideas.
E Jane finds it difficult to believe that some people may be dishonest.
F He’s always helping the elderly.
G The whole class likes David.
H Jennifer hates it that her best friend spends so much time with her new boyfriend.
I Alyson was always there for me when I was going through, some hard times.
J Barry never shares with other people!
K David never talks about his friends behind their backs
L Adam trains very hard at sport. He wants to win.
M She’s very unkind to the new girl in the class.

Ответ от эксперта

1 H
2 D
3 C
4 K
5 G
6 M
7 F
8 B
9 E
10 L
11 I
12 J
13 A

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