Match «diplomatic» utterances with their meanings. 1 Its about 2 pm. I wouldn’t mind eating something. Would you?

Вопрос от пользователя

Match «diplomatic» utterances with their meanings.
1 Its about 2 pm. I wouldn’t mind eating something. Would you?
2 I’m not very happy with your progress. You don’t spend enough time doing your homework I’m afraid.
3 I wonder if I could ask you for a favour, as I don’t think I’ll manage to cope with that all by myself.
4 I think you possibly don’t need to tell my boss or any other people about it.
a) You haven’t improved at all because you are extremely lazy and do nothing.
b) Don’t tell anybody about it.
с) I feel hungry. Let’s have some lunch.
d) Can you help?

Ответ от эксперта

1 c)
2 a)
3 d)
4 b)

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