Match a first part (1-6) with a second part (B-G) to make correct sentences. 0 If I could spend time with someone famous, 1 If you put less gel in your hair,

Вопрос от пользователя

Match a first part (1-6) with a second part (B-G) to make correct sentences.
0  If I could spend time with someone famous,
1  If you put less gel in your hair,
2  If I went out tonight,
3  I would  always  wear high-heeled shoes
4  You would look absolutely gorgeous
5  You have to read fashion magazines
6  If you take off this horrible shoulder-padded jacket,
A if you want to look smart and trendy.
В I would put on my new brightly coloured pinafore and embroidered leather boots.
С it will look more natural.
D if you put on these light blue jeans and this bright cardigan!
E if I were not as tall as I am. F you will look much better.
G I would choose Stella McCartney, the British fashion designer.

Ответ от эксперта

1 — С; 2 — В; 3 — E; 4 — D; 5 — A; 6 — F

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