Marcy and Joel are the two main characters in the book The Cat Ate My Gymsuit by P. Danziger. They are talking about their future professions. Don’t take their

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Marcy and Joel are the two main characters in the book The Cat Ate My Gymsuit by P. Danziger. They are talking about their future professions. Don’t take their talk seriously. What are they going to be when they grow up? Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false.
1  Joel says that he is going to be a set of Tinker Toys.
2  Marcy says that she would like to be a kumquat. ____
3  Marcy knows what a kumquat looks like. _______
4  Joel is going to be a doctor.
5  Joel can play music. _______
6  Marcy wants to write books.
7  Joel wants to be a musician.

Ответ от эксперта

1  Joel says that he is going to be a set of Tinker Toys. __T__
2  Marcy says that she would like to be a kumquat. __T__
3  Marcy knows what a kumquat looks like. ___F____
4  Joel is going to be a doctor. __T__
5  Joel can play music. ___F____
6  Marcy wants to write books. ___T__
7  Joel wants to be a musician.___T___

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