Make up sentences. Write them down. The first one is done for you. I haven’t seen this film since I was a child.

Вопрос от пользователя

Make up sentences. Write them down. The first one is done for you.
I haven’t seen this film since I was a child.

Ответ от эксперта

1. I haven’t seen this film since I was a child.
(Я не видела этот фильм с тех пор, как была ребенком)
2. Since the space era began, many things have been explored.
(С начала космической эры, многие вещи были исследованы)
3. It hasn’t stopped raining since yesterday.
(Дождь не прекращался с вчера)
4. Lots of research has been done on outer space orbital stations.
(Многие исследования были сделаны на космических орбитальных станциях)
5. How long have you spent outside the spaceship?
(Как долго вы пробыли вне космического корабля?)
6. It has been windy and stormy for three days.
(Было ветрено и буйно три дня)

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