Make up sentences with hardly. Use the words in brackets. Examples: I was shocked by the news. (I, speak.)— I could hardly speak. 1. There were a lot of mistakes in your work.

Вопрос посетителя

Make up sentences with hardly. Use the words in brackets.
Examples: I was shocked by the news.
(I, speak.)— I could hardly speak.
1.    There were a lot of mistakes in your work.
(I, read, it.)
2.    The cake was terrible. (She, eat, it.)
3.    Oh, we’ve lost the game. (I, believe, my, eyes.)
4.    It was dark. (We, see, each, other.)
5.    Will you speak louder, please? (I, can, hear, you.)

Ответ эксперта

Составьте предложения со словом hardly. Используйте слова в скобках.
Пример: Я был потрясен новостями. (Я, говорить.) — Я мог едва говорить.
1. There were a lot of mistakes in your work. (I, read, it.) — I could read it hardly.
2. The cake was terrible. (She, cat, it.) — She hardly could eat it.
3. Oh, we’ve lost the game. (I, believe, my, eyes.) — I could hardly believe to liy eyes.
4. It was dark. (We, see, each, other.) — We could hardly see each other.
5. Will you speak louder, please? (I, can, hear, you.) — I can hardly hear you.
1. В вашей работе было много ошибок. — Я едва мог читать ее.
2. Пирог был ужасен. — Она едва могла есть его.
3. О, мы проиграли игру. — Я мог с трудом поверить моим глазам.
4. Было темно. — Мы могли едва видеть друг друга.
5. Вы не могли бы говорить громче, пожалуйста? — Я едва слышу вас

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