Make up sentences, by joining them together. Use the past perfect tense. The first one is done for you. 1. Peter didn’t study very well. He didn’t pass the Maths test.

Вопрос от пользователя

Make up sentences, by joining them together. Use the past perfect tense. The first one is done for you.
1. Peter didn’t study very well. He didn’t pass the Maths test.
Peter didn’t pass the Maths test because he hadn’t studied very well.
2. Nick lost his keys at school. He couldn’t get into his house. _
3. My Mum didn’t buy any sugar. She couldn’t make my favourite cake.
4. He came home from work too late. Jim didn’t go to his Russian classes.
5. We left our tickets at home. We didn’t go to the theatre.

Ответ от эксперта

2. Nick couldn’t get into his house because he had lost his keys at school.
(Ник не смог попасть в дом, потому что он потерял ключи в школе)
3. My mum couldn’t make my favorite cake because she hadn’t bought any sugar.
(Моя мама не смогла испечь мой любимый пирог, потому что он не купила сахар)
4. Jim did not go to his Russian classes because he had come home from work too late.
(Джим не пошел на уроки русского, потому что он пришел домой с работы слишком поздно)
5. We didn’t go to the theatre because we had left our tickets at home.
(Мы не пошли в театр, потому что мы оставили билеты дома)

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