Make up emphatic sentences with focus on who did something (see Ex. 108 p. 39 in Student’s Book.) Example: Tim / invited / to the concert, / not Jessica / who / It was / me

Вопрос посетителя

Make up emphatic sentences with focus on who did something (see Ex. 108 p. 39 in Student’s Book.)
Example: Tim / invited / to the concert, / not Jessica / who / It was / me It was Tim who invited me to the concert, not Jessica.
1    It was James who told me about the time of the meeting
2    It was you who insisted on buying those tickets!
3 It was I who needed your help and support
4 It was our neighbor who played the guitar) so beautifully!

Ответ эксперта

Пример: Это был Тим, который пригласил меня на концерт, а не Джессика.
1 Это Джеймс рассказал мне о времени заседания
2 Это ты настоял на покупке тех билетов!
3 Это я нуждаюсь в вашей помощи и поддержке.
4 Это наш сосед играл на гитаре так красиво!

1 It was James who told mc about thc time of the meeting.
2 It was you who insisted on buying those tickets!
3 It was I who needed your help and support.
4 It was our neighbour who played thc guitar so beautifully!

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