Make sentences for the following situations. Use appropriate modal verbs. 1 something you aren’t allowed to do in class > I mustn’t eat in class.

Вопрос от пользователя

Make sentences for the following situations. Use appropriate modal verbs.
1 something you aren’t allowed to do in class
> I mustn’t eat in class.
2 something you were able to do as a child
3 something you are unable to do now
4 something you think everyone should do
5 something it isn’t necessary to do on a Saturday
6 something that is possible you will do tomorrow

Ответ от эксперта

2 I could run around for hours without getting tired. (Я мог бегать в течение нескольких часов без устали).
3 I can’t run without getting tired. (Я не могу работать без устали).
4 Everyone should watch less TV. (Каждый должен смотреть телевизор меньше).
5 We needn’t go to school on Saturday. (Нам не нужно идти в школу в субботу).
6 I may/might go to the cinema tomorrow. (Я, возможно, пойду в кино завтра).

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