Make one sentence from a pair of sentences. Example: The parents will buy a new TV set. The family will have no money for food.— If the parents buy a new TV set. the family will have no

Вопрос от пользователя

Make one sentence from a pair of sentences.
Example: The parents will buy a new TV set.
The family will have no money for food.— If the parents buy a new TV set. the family will have no money for food.
1 Chris will go to his friend’s house. He will not have time to do his homework.
2 We’ll cast lots. One of us will watch TV more often.
3 We’ll take turns. We shall not be angry with each other.
4 I’ll have a problem. I shall use the five steps to resolve the conflict.

Ответ от эксперта

1. If Chris goes to his friend’s house, he will not have time to do his homework (Если Крис пойдет в гости к своему другу, у него не будет времени сделать домашнее задание).
2. If we cast lots, one of us will watch more often (Если мы бросим жребий, один из нас будет чаще смотреть телевизор).
3. If we take turns, we shall not be angry with each other (Если мы будем делать все по очереди, мы не будем злиться друг на друга).
4. If I have a problem, I shall use the five steps to resolve the conflict (Если у меня будет проблема, я буду использовать пять шагов, чтобы решить проблему).

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