Make full sentences using the Past Perfect Continuous and the Past Simple. 1 she/wait for/an hour/before/Helen/arrive > She had been waiting for an hour before Helen arrived.

Вопрос от пользователя

Make full sentences using the Past Perfect Continuous and the Past Simple.
1    she/wait for/an hour/before/Helen/arrive
> She had been waiting for an hour before Helen arrived.
2    Larry/look for his glasses/for over an hour/ before/he/find them
3    they/play football/over an hour/before/Tom/ score
4    Jane/drive/for over two hours/before/she/ reach/ the Smiths’ cottage
5    Mr Smith/work/in the company/for ten years/ before/ he/decide/to leave

Ответ от эксперта

2 He had been looking for his glasses for over an hour before he found them (Он искал свои очки в течение часа, прежде чем он нашел их).
3 They had been playing football for over an hour before Tom scored (Они играли в футбол в течение часа, прежде чем Том забил гол).
4 She had been driving for over two hours before she had reached the Smith’s cottage (Она ездила около двух часов, прежде чем прибыла в коттедж семьи Смит).
5 He had been working in the company for ten years before he decided to leave (Он работал в компании в течение десяти лет, прежде чем решил уволиться).

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