Look through the adverts for British students graduating from secondary school. Match the questions with the adverts. Consult the Linguistic and Cultural Guide in Appendix 4, page

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Look through the adverts for British students graduating from secondary school. Match the questions with the adverts. Consult the Linguistic and Cultural Guide in Appendix 4, page 198 for the following.
What shall I do after my GCSE examinations? Questions
1 Should 1 stay on at school sixth form?
2 What about sixth form college?
3 What about a further education college?.
4 What if I want to go straight into work?
If you want to specialise in more vocational courses, this may be a good option for you. Unlike school sixth form and sixth form colleges, you will get courses which are more closely linked to the needs of industry, professional companies or universities. As part of the application process, you may be asked to attend an interview. This is a great chance to ask questions about your chosen course and whether it’s the best option for you.
School sixth form will let you continue learning in familiar place with teachers that you already know, plus there’ll be lots of your friends there already. Think about the subjects you’ve enjoyed studying and which ones will give you the best results, particularly if you aie thinking about university.
Then perhaps an apprenticeship would be right for you. This gives you the opportunity to start earning whilst learnring the skills you need for your chosen career Apprenticeships are available in a wide range of occupations, such as accountancy, hairdressing, construction, plumbing and retail and are currently available for 16 to 24-ycar-olds.
Students from different schools can continue their education here. These are often larger than school sixth forms and can therefore sometimes offer a wider range of options to help prepare you for university or employment. Ask what’s available and try to attend an open evening if possible.

Ответ от эксперта

1 B
2 D
3 A
4 C

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