Look, read and say YES or NO There is a lot of bread, yes 1 There are a lot of tomatoes. 2 There is a lot of olive oil.

Вопрос от пользователя

Look, read and say YES or NO
There is a lot of bread,    yes
1   There are a lot of tomatoes.
2  There is a lot of olive oil.
3  There are a lot of biscuits.
4  There are a lot of eggs.
5  There is a lot of butter

Ответ от эксперта

  1. There are a lot of tomatoes. — YES — Там много помидоров — ДА
  2. There is a lot of olive oil — YES — Там много оливкового масла — ДА
  3. There are a lot of biscuits — NO — Там много печенья — НЕТ
  4. There are a lot of eggs — NO — Там много яиц — НЕТ
  5. There is a lot of butter — YES -Там много масла — ДА
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