Look at the title and the introduction in the text. What do you expect to read? Listen, read and check. Study skills Reading for specific information Underline key words in the instructions, questions

Вопрос посетителя

Look at the title and the introduction in the text. What do you expect to read? Listen, read and check.
Study skills
Reading for specific information Underline key words in the instructions, questions, etc. Read the text(s) and try to find sentences, phrases, etc that match the underlined key words. The matching sentences, phrases, etc are usually paraphrased. Using this information, answer the questions.

Ответ эксперта

I expect to read about what 16-year-olds in different parts of the world do in their free time.
(Я ожидаю прочитать о том, что 16-летние подростки в разных частях мира делают в свободное время).

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