Look at the picture and try to guess • who the people arc • where they are • what they are doing • what they want to do

Вопрос посетителя

Look at the picture and try to guess
• who the people arc
• where they are
• what they are doing
• what they want to do

Ответ эксперта

I think that the people in the picture are scientists, they are archeologists. I guess that they are either in Italy or in Greece, where there were ancient civilizations. They are trying to discover some new historic event by means of searching for ancient things such as dishes, jewelry or may be some bones.
Я считаю, что люди на картинке ученые, они археологи. Я полагаю, что они либо в Италии, либо в Греции, где были древние цивилизации. Они пытаются открыть некоторые исторические события посредством поиска древних вещей, таких как тарелки, драгоценности, или возможно некоторые кости.

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