Look at the phrases in the box. What are they in your language? Use the expressions to discuss holiday problems, as in the example. > A: How was your holiday? Hope you had a nice time.

Вопрос посетителя

Look at the phrases in the box. What are they in your language? Use the expressions to discuss holiday problems, as in the example.
> A: How was your holiday? Hope you had a nice time.
B: It was an absolute nightmare! Our car broke down.
A: How awful!

Ответ эксперта

A: How was your holiday? Did you have a nice time?
B: You’ll never guess what happened!
A: What? What happened?
B: I missed my flight home and had to spend 24 hours at the airport waiting for the next one.
A: Oh, you poor thing! Etc
А: Как прошел твой отпуск? Ты хорошо провел время?
В: Ты никогда не угадаешь, что случилось!
А: Что? Что случилось?
В: Я опоздал на рейс домой, и мне пришлось провести 24 часа в аэропорту в ожидании следующего.
А: Оу, бедняга!

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