Look at the phrases and the leaflet in Ex. 1. Talk in pairs as in the example. — A: What should we do before answering the door? B: We should look through the peephole and put the chain on the door, etc

Вопрос посетителя

Look at the phrases and the leaflet in Ex. 1. Talk in pairs as in the example.
— A: What should we do before answering the door?
B: We should look through the peephole and put the chain on the door, etc

Asking for advice:
• What’s should l/we do to… ?
• What’s the best way to… ?
• How can I/we… ?

Giving advice:
• I think/don’t think you should…
• You should (not)…
• How about… +ing
• Why don’t you… ?

Ответ эксперта

A: What should we take to bed? (Что нам следует брать в кровать?)
B: We should take a mobile phone with us. (Нам следует брать мобильный телефон с собой)
A: What should we do before letting somebody into the house? (Что нам следует сделать до того, как пускать кого-либо домой?)
B: We should check their ID. (Нам следует проверить их паспорт)

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