Look at the highlighted words. How do they differ? Match the words to their definitions: bank; sheet; right; Light bed cover/a single piece of paper

Вопрос от пользователя

Look at the highlighted words. How do
they differ? Match the words to their
definitions: bank; sheet; right; Light
bed cover/a single piece of paper
we keep money in/sides of a river
opposite of left/correct
not heavy/not dark

Ответ от эксперта

  1. bed cover/a single piece of paper — sheet — простыня/один кусок бумаги
  2. we keep money in/sides of a river — bank — мы храним деньги в/берега реки
  3. opposite of left/correct — right — противоположно левому/правильно
  4. not heavy/not dark — light — не тяжелый/не темный
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