Look at the calendar, then rewrite the sentences in your notebook. Use: two weeks ago, last Sunday, yesterday, a week ago, last Tuesday, three days ago

Вопрос от пользователя

Look at the calendar, then rewrite the sentences in your notebook. Use: two weeks ago, last Sunday, yesterday, a week ago, last Tuesday, three days ago

Ответ от эксперта

  1. I was in France two weeks ago. -Я был во Франции две недели назад.
  2. Mary was at school yesterday. — Мэри была в школе вчера.
  3. Mum and Dad were at the cinema three days ago. — Мама с папой были в кино три дня назад.
  4. David was at the shops a week ago. — Дэвид был в магазине неде­лю назад.
  5. I was at the zoo last Tuesday. — Я был в зоопарке в прошлый вторник.
  6. Brian and May were in London last Sunday. — Брайн и Мей были в Лондоне в прошлое воскресенье.
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