Look at the adjectives describing travelling. Which of them describe travelling by plane? Which by train? Which by both? Put them into the correct columns in the table: Boring, dangerous, cheap, expensive

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Look at the adjectives describing travelling. Which of them describe travelling by plane? Which by train? Which by both? Put them into the correct columns in the table:
Boring, dangerous, cheap, expensive, interesting, fast, slow, safe, good, bad, noisy, quiet, clean, comfortable, entertaining.

Ответ эксперта

Travelling by plane: (путешествие на самолете)
Dangerous (опасный)
Expensive (дорогой)
Fast (быстрый)
Good (хороший)
Quiet (тихий)
Entertaning (развлекательный)

Travelling by train: (путешествие на поезде)
Boring (скучное)
Cheap (дешевое)
Slow (медленное)
Safe (безопасное)
Bad (плохое)
Noisy (шумное)

Both: (оба)
Interesting (интересное)
Clean (чистое)
Comfortable (удобное)

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