Look and write Bob and his family are in the living room. His father, Ronald, 1) is sitting (sit) in front of the TV. He 2) (watch) a funny programme and he 3) (smile). Bob

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Look and write
Bob and his family are in the living room. His father, Ronald, 1) is sitting (sit) in front of the TV.  He  2)   (watch) a  funny programme and he 3) (smile). Bob 4)  (sit) at his desk. He 5) (do) his homework. His mother, Debbie,  6)    (talk) on  the phone.   His sister,  Julie, 7)    (not/draw)  a  picture.  She  8)  (play) with her doll.

Ответ от эксперта

Bob and his family are in the living room. His father, Ronald, 1) is sitting in front of the TV. He 2) is watching a funny programme and he 3) is smiling. Bob 4) is sitting at his desk. He 5) is doing his homework. His mother, Debbie, 6) is talking on the phone. His sister, Julie, 7) is not drawing a picture. She 8) is playing with her doll.

Боб и его семья находятся в гостиной. Его папа Рональд сидит перед телевизором. Он смотрит смешную программу и улыбается. Боб сидит за письменным столом. Он делает домашнюю работу. Его мама Дебби разговаривает по телефону. Его сестра Джули не рисует картину. Она играет с куклой.

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