Look and read. Then write the names in your notebooks Hello, I’m 1)…. This is my mother and father. Their names are 2)… and 3)…. 4)… is my big sister and

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Look and read. Then write the names in your notebooks
Hello, I’m 1)…. This is my mother and father. Their names are 2)… and 3)…. 4)… is my big sister and 5)… is my little brother. We are a happy family!

Ответ от эксперта

Hello, I’m Frank. This is my mother and father. Their names are Linda and Tom. Judy is my big sister and Brian is my little brother. We are a happy family!

Привет, я Фрэнк. Это мои мама и папа. Их зовут Линда и Том. Джуди — моя старшая сестра, а Брайан — мой младший брат. Мы — счастливая семья.

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