Listen to the sentences. Guess the meanings of the highlighted words and translate the sentences. The explanations in brackets will help you. What we need is a miracle (a surprising and supernatural thing .

Вопрос посетителя

Listen to the sentences. Guess the meanings of the highlighted words and translate the sentences. The explanations in brackets will help you.
What we need is a miracle (a surprising and supernatural thing .
Angela reached for a little jewel box.
She picked up a rose-coloured pin in the shape of a ballerina.
She tapped softly on the closed door.
This was given to me by a wise (very clever) and wonderful woman many years ago when I felt like you.
It was given to her by her ballet instructor in Paris many years ago after a very special performance.
Her family was quite wealthy during her childhood.
When the war spread, they only just managed to escape to America.
Carrie fingered the pin.

Ответ эксперта

miracle — чудо
to reach for — доставать, тянуться за чем-либо
jewel — драгоценность;
jewel box — шкатулка для хранения драгоценностей
shape — форма
to tap — негромко постучать
wise — мудрый
instructor — преподаватель, инструктор
childhood — детство
to finger — потрогать пальцами

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