Listen to the people speaking about the role of the internet in their lives and match the speakers to the statements. 1 The speaker feels that people should solve their problems in real life,

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Listen to the people speaking about the role of the internet in their lives and match the speakers to the statements.
1 The speaker feels that people should solve their problems in real life, not on the internet.
2 The speaker sees the danger of the internet cutting people off from real life.
3 The speaker is fascinated by the ability to communicate with those who are far away from you.
4 The speaker uses the internet for doing everyday routine tasks.
5 The speaker believes that the internet allows you to get your message across to many people.

Ответ от эксперта

1. Говорящий 4
2. Говорящий 3
3. Говорящий 1
4. Говорящий 5
5. Говорящий 2

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