Listen to the dialogue in Ex. 2, p. 103 in Student’s Book. Fill in the table «Who said what?». Tick the correct box. 1 It is almost time to leave.

Вопрос посетителя

Listen to the dialogue in Ex. 2, p. 103 in Student’s Book. Fill in the table «Who said what?». Tick the correct box.
1 It is almost time to leave.
2    It is a special party.
3    Everyone will laugh.
4    Everyone will think you look lovely
5    I will just stay at home.
6    Great-grandmother always sits in her wheelchair.
7    She gives me the creeps.
8    I don’t even have a dress to wear.
9 I have something to tell you.
10 I haven’t seen any sign of beauty in you for a long time.

Ответ эксперта

Mother: 1, 2, 4, 9, 10
Carrie: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8

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