Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing expressions from the box. Then act it out. — I don’t mind… What do you say? — I have… but can I ask you some questions?

Вопрос посетителя

Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing expressions from the box. Then act it out.
—    I don’t mind… What do you say?
—    I have… but can I ask you some questions?
—    Sure.
—    Do you play any musical instruments? …,you know.
—    Yes, I play the guitar. But T can play it only w hen you are out if you like.
—    …? I don’t like staying alone in the evening.
—    We’ll go out together, shall we? OK. But I don’t like noisy parties. ..„aren’t I?
—    Nothing of the kind! …if you like.
•Do you go out much?
•… nothing against it.
•I’m asking too many questions.
•Loud music irritates me,…
•Keep asking…
•…if you are my roommate.

Ответ эксперта

if you are my roommate. (… если ты мой сосед).
…nothing against it. (… ничего не имею против этого).
Loud music irritates me, (Громкая музыка раздражает меня,)…
Do you go out much? (Ты часто выходишь гулять?)
I am asking loo many questions. (Я задаю слишком много вопросов)
Keep asking (Продолжай спрашивать

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