Listen to some people talking about shopping. Number the statements A-F in the order you hear them. There is one extra statement that you do not need to use.

Вопрос посетителя

Listen to some people talking about shopping. Number the statements A-F in the order you hear them. There is one extra statement that you do not need to use.
A I prefer the shops near my house.
B I always buy more than what I plan to here!
C I couldn’t exchange what I bought.
D I had an argument with the person at the shop.
E It takes me some time to find a good bargain.
F I bought a second-hand appliance which is in really good condition.
Текст аудирования:
Interviewer: I recently spoke to some people about their shopping habits and experiences. Here’s what they had to say.
Speaker 1: Last week, I bought a pair of jeans but when I tried them on at home I noticed a hole in one of the pockets. I took them back to the shop so they could give me a new pair but they only offered me my money back. They didn’t want to give me another pair of jeans.
Speaker 2: My favourite place to shop is the local flea market. I love going there because I can find just about anything I want at very low prices. Of course, I usually have to walk around for quite a while before I find what I’m looking for, at the price I want to pay for it!
Speaker 3: I don’t really like going into the centre of town to do my shopping. My neighbourhood has all the shops I need, just a ten-minute walk from where I live.
Speaker 4: I bought a used TV a few days ago. My friend says that it’ll break down soon but so far it has been working perfectly. It’s like brand new!
Speaker 5: Every time I go to Mama’s bakery I’m sure to get something that’s just out of the oven. What’s more, everything smells so delicious, I always end up buying something extra that I didn’t go in for!

Ответ эксперта

A 3rd speaker
B 5th speaker
C 1st speaker
D (extra statement)
E 2nd speaker
F 4th speaker

1 C
2 E
3 A
4 F
5 B

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