Listen as you read the dialogue. Then answer the questions. 1 Chris told his brother to give him the remote control. What did Tom say? What did Chris answer?

Вопрос от пользователя

Listen as you read the dialogue.
Then answer the questions.
1 Chris told his brother to give him the remote control. What did Tom say? What did Chris answer?
2 The mother told Chris to give the remote to his brother. Why? What did she say? What did the father think about it?
3 Do such conflicts often happen in families?
Chris: Hey, Tom, give me the remote control (пульт дистанционного управления ! Quick!
Tom: No! I can’t! Rambo 3 begins in a minute!
Chris: Just let me switch to the World Cup, OK? I want to see the game. Give me the remote! Now!
Mother: Are you boys fighting again? Chris, let your brother watch TV You are 15, and he is only 7.
Father: But that isn’t fair. Chris is a big boy, but he has the right to watch TV, too.

Ответ от эксперта

1. Tom said he couldn’t give him the remote control. Chris answered that he wanted to switch to the World Cup because he wanted to see the game (Том сказал, что не может дать ему пульт от телевизора. Крис ответил, что он хотел переключить на Чемпионат Мира, так как он хотел посмотреть игру).
2. The mother told Chris to let Tom watch TV because Tom was younger. The father thought it was not fair (Мама велела Крису разрешить Тому посмотреть телевизор, потому что Том младше. Папа считал, что это несправедливо).

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