Listen and repeat the sentences expressing outrage/disgust. What might the other speaker have said? 1 That’s shocking! 2 That’s so awful, I’m lost for words!

Вопрос от пользователя

Listen and repeat the sentences expressing outrage/disgust. What might the other speaker have said?
1 That’s shocking!
2 That’s so awful, I’m lost for words!
3 No one has the right to treat someone like that!
4 That’s just not fair!
5 How outrageous!
6 That’s totally disgraceful!

Ответ от эксперта

1 My flat was burgled yesterday. (Мою квартиру вчера взломали)
2 My pet rabbit has died. (Мой домашний кролик вчера умер)
3 Some kids were teasing an old woman! (Некоторые дети дразнят пожилых женщин!)
4 I always get the blame! (Меня всегда обвиняют!)
5 The price of petrol has gone up again! (Цена на бензин снова выросла!)
6 The government has decided to bring back hanging! (Правительство решило вернуть повешение!)

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