Listen and read to answer the questions. Explain the underlined phrases. 1 How are John and Phil related? 2 What is John’s problem?

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Listen and read to answer the questions. Explain the underlined phrases.
1 How are John and Phil related?
2 What is John’s problem?
3 What does Phil promise?
4 Who’s having a party on Saturday?
John: Hi, I’m John Sullivan from next door. I don’t think we’ve met yet.
Phil: Oh, hi. I’m Phil. Pleased to meet you. Would you like to come in?
John: Oh, no thanks. I’m on mv wav to a lecture. I just wondered if I could have a quick word.
Phil: Sure, go ahead.
John: Well, it’s just that your loud music has been keeping my housemates and me awake every night since you moved in. There’s a lot of shouting going on too.
Phil; Oh… yes, f suppose we’ve been a bit noisy.
John: Yes, I understand, but we’re sitting exams in two weeks’ time and need a good night’s sleep.
Phil: Oh dear, I’m sorry. I’ll make sure that we keep it down.
John: Thanks so much, Phil, I appreciate that.
Phil: You’re welcome! Oh, by the way, we’re having a party this Saturday! You and your housemates are all invited!
John: Oh, errr… well, OK then, it’s the weekend I suppose!

Ответ от эксперта

1 John is Phil’s new neighbour. (Джон это новый сосед Фила).
2 John has been having problems sleeping because of Phil’s loud music/the noise coming from Phil’s house. (У Джона были проблемы со сном из-за громкой музыки/шума из дома Фила).
3 to make less noise in future (создавать меньше шума в будущем)
4 Phil (Фил)

Объяснение подчеркнутых слов:
I’m on my way: I’m going (Я собираюсь)
have a quick word: speak briefly (говорить кратко)
going on: happening (случаться)
keep it down: make less noise (создавать меньше шума)

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