Listen and read the text on pp. 108-109. Choose the correct answer (А, В, С or D) for questions 1-5. 1 Each mealtime, the boys … A were happy to get one spoonful of gruel.

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Listen and read the text on pp. 108-109. Choose the correct answer (А, В, С or D) for questions 1-5.
1 Each mealtime, the boys …
A were happy to get one spoonful of gruel.
В had to wash their bowls and spoons.
С wanted to eat more.
D got tired of cleaning their fingers of food.
2 The tall boy whose father was a baker…
A got hungrier than the other boys.
В got used to that sort of life.
С was afraid of what his hunger would make him do.
D was afraid at night.
3 Before they could eat, the boys had to …
A give their bowls to the master.
В take their chairs to the table.
С serve out the food.
D say a prayer of thanks.
4 The boys decided that Oliver would be the one to …
A nudge the master.
В serve the gruel.
С ask for another serving.
D walk along the table.
5 When Oliver asked for more, the master … A was shocked.
В lost his voice.
С became paralysed.
D turned white with fear.
Oliwvr Twist
The boys al (he workhouse’ ale in a large
stone hall. At one end there was a copper2, out of which the master ladled3 gruel4 at mealtimes. Each boy had only one ladleful and no more, except on public holidays when he had two ounces5 and a quarter of bread.
The bowls never needed washing as the boys polished them with their spoons until they shone. When they had done this, they would sit staring at the copper with such eager eyes as if they could easily eat the very bricks of which it was made. Meanwhile, they licked their fingers trying to catch any stray splashes of gruel.
Generally, boys have excellent appetites and so Oliver and his companions suffered from slow starvation for three months. They finally got so wild with hunger that one boy, who was somewhat tall for his age and not at all used to that sort of thing because his father had owned a small bakery, said to
his companions that unless he had another spoon of 20 gruel daily, he was afraid that one night he might eat the boy who slept next to him. He seemed to have a wild, hungry look in his eye and the others entirely believed him. A meeting was held and lots were drawn to see who should walk up to the master after 25 supper that evening and ask for more. The task fell to Oliver Twist.
The evening arrived and the boys took their places. The master, in his cook’s apron, stood beside the copper with his assistants behind him. 30 The gruel was served out and a long grace6 was said. After the gruel disappeared, the boys whispered to each other and winked at Oliver, while his neighbours nudged him. Oliver was desperate with hunger and misery. He rose from 35 the table and. walking towards the master with his bowl, said,
‘Please, sir, I want some more.’
The master was a fat, healthy man but he turned very pale. He gazed in astonishment at the boy for 40 some seconds and then held on to the copper for support. His assistants were paralysed with wonder and the boys with fear.
‘What?’ said the master eventually in a faint voice. 45
‘Please, sir,’ replied Oliver, ‘I want some more.’
The master hit Oliver’s head with the ladle, held him tightly in his arms and shrieked aloud for the policeman.

Ответ от эксперта

1. C
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. A

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