Listen and read the text again. Math the underlined words/phrases in the text to their meanings below, then explain the words in bold. • at a particular time • on purpose

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Listen and read the text again. Math the underlined words/phrases in the text to their meanings below, then explain the words in bold.
• at a particular time • on purpose
• absolutely sure • accept
• draw attention to the fact • small amount
• wait doing nothing • taken away
a start, even if these ‘alien civilisations’ do exist, they might not be technologically advanced enough to communicate over long distances. I Also, with a hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone, and a billion possible radio channels to choose from, it might take a very long time for us to tune in to ET! So, why don’t we send our own messages instead? I Even if the nearest civilisation was as close as 500 light-years2 away, we would have to sit around for 1000 years waiting for a reply! All the same, in 1974, we did broadcast a radio message containing basic information about the human race. I if there is intelligent life there, we will hear from them around the year 52,000!
So, how do you fancy joining in the search for intelligent life yourself? Well, the ‘SETI@home’ project allows you to do exactly that. After downloading a clever screensaver, your computer will analyse unknown or unusual signals from radio telescopes whenever you are not using it. I So far, however, ET is not ‘phoning home’!
So where do we go from here? Well, despite the fact that we have not yet found a shred of convincing evidence that alien life exists, one thing is for sure — the search will go on! But perhaps we’re forgetting one important thing. I Only time, perhaps thousands of years, will tell!

Ответ эксперта

abducted — taken away (похищенный — забранный)
at some point — at a particular time (в какой-то момент — в определенное время)
point out — draw attention to the fact (указывать — обратить внимание на факт)
convinced — absolutely sure (убежденный — абсолютно уверенный)
intentionally — on purpose (намеренно — намеренно/с целью)
face the fact — accept (столкнуться с фактом — принять)
sit around — wait doing nothing (сидеть — ждать, ничего не делая)
shred — small amount (клочок — небольшое количество)
go on — continue (продолжать — продолжать)

Слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом:
grains of sand (песчинки): tiny pieces of rock-like substance usually found on beaches (крошечные кусочки земле-подобных веществ, обычно находятся на пляжах)
hunt (охота): search (поиск)
sweeping the skies (изучая небо через телескоп): moving across all the area above the Earth searching for something (двигаться над всей площадью Земли в поисках чего-либо)
Military broadcast (военное вещание): signal from army/navy/air-force (сигнал от армии/морфлота/военно-воздушных сил)
civilizations (цивилизации): societies in an advanced stage of development (сообщества на передовой стадии развития)
All the same (тем не менее/все равно): But, Nevertheless, Even so (но, тем не менее, даже так)
the human race (человеческая раса): all the people of the world considered as a species (все люди мира рассматриваемые как виды)
analyze (анализировать): examine in detail (изучать в деталях)
convincing (убедительный): persuasive (убедительный)

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