Listen again and fill in the gaps in the summary. Use your Workbook. NB: You don’t have to use exactly the same words you hear on the recording. 1 Wakamaru is a robot designed ….

Вопрос от пользователя

Listen again and fill in the gaps in the summary. Use your Workbook.
NB: You don’t have to use exactly the same words you hear on the recording.
1 Wakamaru is a robot designed ….
2 It is … a young Japanese warrior.
3 It is … and useful for your life at home.
4 Wakamaru is able to … to people and ….
5 It is important that it can determine … in people.

Ответ от эксперта

1. Wakaramu is а robot designed and constructed in Japan. (Вакараму — это робот, разработанный и созданный в Японии).
2. It is named from a young Japanese warrior. (Он назван в честь маленького японского воина).
3. It is friendly to people and useful for your life at home. (Он дружелюбен к людям и полезен в вашей жизни дома).
4. Wakaramu is able to talk to people and can even answer to you. (Вакараму способен разговаривать с людьми и может даже ответить вам).
5. It is important that it can determine two parents in people. (Важно, что он может определять двух родителей в людях).

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