Kerry doesn’t know what career she wants and she wrote to a magazine for help. Read the answer she has got. Use the words in the box to form new words that fit in the gaps

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Kerry doesn’t know what career she wants and she wrote to a magazine for help. Read the answer she has got. Use the words in the box to form new words that fit in the gaps (1-16) in the text. There is an example at the beginning (0).
For most of us it is not easy to make a (0) decision about a career. The problem with that is you might miss a lot
of (1) ——————because you don’t know about them.
If you’re (2)___________, it’s a good idea to find out a
lot about (3)___________jobs. There are computer based
quizzes which can help you. Such quizzes push you into
thinking what you like and (4) ______, whether you are
ambitious   or   not,   whether   you   are   (5)   ________   in
(6) ________ technology or in (7) ___________, whether
you are (8) ____________, (9) ___________ or practical.
What is more important to you — a (10) ________ paid
job or job (11) ________?
There is a special (12) ______ which will help you to
make    the    right    (13)    ___________    about    courses,
(14) _______ and careers.  Personal  advisers  can offer
(15) ———- on a wide range of problems and help with
(16) ___________ forms.

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