Join the sentences using who, which, whose, when, where (where possible . Which are defining relative clauses (D) and which are non-defining (ND ?

Вопрос от пользователя

Join the sentences using who, which, whose, when, where (where possible . Which are defining relative clauses (D) and which are non-defining (ND ?
1 Brian lives next door. He is a graphic designer.
2 The shop sells really up-to-date products. I bought my DVD player there.
3 I’ve just bought a book. It’s about inventions.
4 Ben is studying electronics. His father is a software designer.
5 Rachel won the Businesswoman of the Year Award. She originally trained as a teacher.
6 I live in the centre of the city. It is very noisy.

Ответ от эксперта

1 Brian, who lives next door, is a graphic designer. — ND (Брайан, который живет по соседству — графический дизайнер)
2 The shop, where I bought my DVD player, sells really up-to-date products. – ND (Магазин, где я купил свой DVD-плеер, продает действительно современные вещи)
3 I’ve just bought a book which is about inventions. – D (Я только что купил книгу, которая об изобретениях)
4 Ben, whose father is a software designer, is studying electronics. – ND (Бен, отец которого разработчик программного обеспечения, изучает электронику)
5 Rachel, who originally trained as a teacher, won the Businesswoman of the Year Award. – ND (Рэйчел, которая первоначально проходила подготовку в качестве учителя, выиграла премию Предприниматель Года)
6 I live in the centre of the city, which is very noisy. – D (Я живу в центре города, который очень шумный)

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