Join the sentences below using relative pronouns/adverbs. 1 This is the video camera. I bought it yesterday. 2 They love their house. They bought it last year.

Вопрос от пользователя

Join the sentences below using relative pronouns/adverbs.
1    This is the video camera. I bought it yesterday.
2    They love their house. They bought it last year.
3    A man lives next door. He’s a photographer.
4    I know a woman. Her sister is an actress,
5    This is the camera. It belongs to my mother.
6    She wrote a book. It was a bestseller.

Ответ от эксперта

1 This is the video camera that/which I bought yesterday.
2 They love their house, which they bought last year.
3 The man who lives next door is a photographer.
4 I know a woman whose sister is an actress.
5 This is the camera that/which belongs to my mother.
6 She wrote a book that/which was a best-seller.

1 Это видеокамера. Я купил ее вчера.
2 Они любят свой дом. Они купили его в прошлом году.
3 Мужчина живет по соседству. Он фотограф.
4 Я знаю женщину. Ее сестра — актриса.
5 Это камера. Она принадлежит моей матери.
6 Она написала книгу. Она была бестселлером.

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