James and Cindy are talking about what they have done. Complete their questions and answers with the correct verb form {Present Perfect

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James and Cindy are talking about what they have done.
Complete their questions and answers with the correct verb form {Present Perfect
or Past Simple).
—  I (1) ________ (answer) all the questions in the test today.
—  That’s great! You will get a good mark!
—  (2) ________ you ________ (find) your Activity book?
—  No, I (3) ________. I think I (4) ________ (leave) it at school
—  Where is Emily?
—  She (5) ________ (go/already) to bed.
—  (6)________you________(prepare/yet) for the test________?
—  Yes, I (7) _______. I (8)_______ (finish/just) the last exercise.
—  And I (9) __________ (do) all the exercises on Thursday.  It
(10)________(take) me an hour and a half!
—  Oh, I (11) ________(walk/yet) the dog________ .
—  Don’t worry. I (12)________ (do/already) it.

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