In your culture. At the end of the school year the pupils in the English club of a Lipetsk school perform a play. Marc is asking Sergei questions. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms

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In your culture. At the end of the school year the pupils in the English club of a Lipetsk school perform a play. Marc is asking Sergei questions. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
Marc: What plays (0) have you performed (perform)
Sergei: We (1) ___________ already ________ (do) Treasure Island
by R. L. Stevenson*. Last year the pupils of the 10th form
(2)__________(write) a new play.
Marc: What play (3) _____________ you ____________ (perform)
this year?
Sergei: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by M. Twain*. We
(4)   ________________ (start) to prepare it in February. We
(5) ________________ (show) it to all the pupils of our school in

Ответ эксперта

Marc: What plays (0) have you performed?
Sergei: We (1) have already done Treasure Island bv R L. Stevenson.
Last year the pupils of the 10   ionn (2) wrote a new play Marc: What play (3) have you performed this year?
Sergei: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by M. Twain. We (4) started to ртераге it in February, We (5) showed it to all the pupils of our school in May.

(0) have you performed
(1) have already done
(2) wrote
(3) have you performed
(4) started
(5) showed

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