In your culture a) Which groupings/subcultures are popular in your home place? What are their characteristics? Describe the members of some grouping.

Вопрос посетителя

In your culture
a) Which groupings/subcultures are popular in your home place? What are their characteristics? Describe the members of some grouping.
b) What youth organisations exist in your home place? What are their aims?

Ответ эксперта

In my home place there are а lot of bikers. They ride in their lether jackets and look like they really enjoy life. There are also many skin-heads. They wear army boots and short hair. They are agressive and it’s better not to meet them at night in a place where there are few people.
(Там, где я живу много байкеров. Они ездят в своих кожаных куртках на мотоциклах, и кажется наслаждаются жизнью. Также много скинхедов. Они носят армейские ботинки и короткие причес-ки. Они агрессивны и лучше с ними не встречаться вечером в без-людном месте.)

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